By Hannah Bailey, Move-In Coordinator
We know downsizing can be a difficult task, but there are also many advantages to rightsizing your living. So, here are a few suggestions to get you started.
Have a Plan!
The first step in our checklist for downsizing is to develop a plan. Doing so will help reduce your emotional attachment to your possessions, get them organized and focus your thinking on the future. But take your time. Going through a lifetime of memories can’t be done in a weekend – or even a week. Spend time reliving important memories and the good times each item brings to mind. You’ll enjoy remembering a significant event or person in your life, and doing so will bring a sense of satisfaction and closure as you realize it’s the memory, not the item, that is valuable.
Here are some ideas to consider when deciding what to let go of and what to keep:
- DE-CLUTTER: Go through your house one room at a time and pick out things you’re not using or aren’t emotionally attached to. This will get you in the proper mindset to let things go and set you up for success when you start going through more sentimental items.
- DONATE: Donating items to family members or a nonprofit organization is a great alternative to throwing them away. Most of us have things we don’t use or need anymore, but those things still have value and may prove useful to someone else. Plus, giving important keepsakes and furniture to close friends and family allows you to see how happy those mementos make them. For a less special item, consider taking a picture of it, writing a brief history of the item and sharing it with family members. Then donate it to charity or sell it at a consignment shop or garage sale, knowing you’ve preserved the memory.
Consider Your New Space
If possible, get a copy of the floor plan for your new living arrangements, either from the community or senior moving company and start planning where your items will go in your new home. Be sure to think about:
- THE SIZE OF YOUR NEW HOME: Moving from a four-bedroom home to a two-bedroom home will require a good amount of downsizing. Try to focus on the most important parts of how you live. Do you need a desk for writing or computer work? Will you really need a sleeper sofa in this next chapter of your life? The reality is, as you lived in your house, you developed a lifestyle and habits that you enjoy and work for you. So make room for those things and leave the rest behind. When you’ve finally settled in your new home, you’ll appreciate the familiarity of having things arranged in a similar fashion to your previous home.
- MAKE AN INVENTORY: Now it’s time to be honest with yourself- is there realistically enough space for everything you’d like to keep? If not, consider a storage unit for oversized items or other possessions that won’t fit in your new residence. Keep in mind if you have had something in storage for more than a year, do you really need it?
- DON’T FORGET ABOUT AMENITIES: Think about what your new community offers in terms of amenities. Is there a workout facility? Are there restaurant-style dining options? If so, let someone else get some use out of your exercise bike and give some of your cookware to family members.
John Knox Village of Central Florida offers a move-in allowance to all future residents when you use one of our preferred moving companies. These teams of experts are ready to help in rightsizing your move to JKV. Call us at (386) 775-0788 to find out more about rightsizing your move to John Knox Village.